

I always find it hard to converse with people. In as much as I wanted to say so many things and expound on the subject matter at the same time, something hinders me from doing just that. I think it stemmed from me, being mum most of the time and in return, it became a habit of mine to keep silent and not air out my ideas even if needed.

I know it’s kind of lame for an excuse. But, that is the truth and so, yeah.

Maybe that’s why I was fascinated more with the kind of communication I am able to do, through writing. I feel free, I feel comfortable with the set-up it gives me. There’s no pressure of any sort to spit words right away. I have enough time to gab away and properly dispose of the unconventional ideas I ought to have. And, it’s actually a delight for me, having to write just about anything.

Well, for a while now, I am having this surge of emotions wherein it stopped me from coming up with things to jot down about. I relied heavily on the mantra of the mañana habit. Procrastination does not do any good. It’s bad. It’s manipulative. And it’s infectious. Really. I think if I had more of the willpower to write and write and write, I would’ve done dozens of articles by now. Jeez. It’s my fault anyway. Oh well…

Right now, I would just like to dwell on the possibility that I might be able to arrive with new write-ups. And feel that rush again.

I will write. Once more. I promise.

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